13oct wrote in hala_madrid May 26, 2018 20:24
epic? look under hala_madrid, i discovered perfection, scrappy ball hoofers, match spam, champistan league!, when did i order tickets to the cr show?, captainly love, cold blood enforcers, champions league, spineless mercenaries
13oct wrote in hala_madrid Jun 03, 2017 22:46
epic? look under hala_madrid, cold blood enforcers, champions league
ayebydan wrote in hala_madrid Feb 15, 2017 19:25
match spam, champions league
itsacoco wrote in hala_madrid May 29, 2016 16:27
party post, champions league
ayebydan wrote in hala_madrid May 08, 2016 18:03
i don't think i believe this, free for all, proud to be a madridista, la liga, mod post, champions league, what the others are saying, ...the mothership didn't tell me this
yeats wrote in hala_madrid Sep 16, 2015 16:04
that's enough injuries football gods, player: sergio ramos, champions league
lemmeseeuvogue wrote in hala_madrid May 20, 2015 21:22
Click to view
video: celebration, carlo ancelotti, epic? look under hala_madrid, i discovered perfection, proud to be a madridista, ...the mothership didn't tell me this, champions league
yeats wrote in hala_madrid Apr 24, 2015 07:44
champions league
thinkweism wrote in hala_madrid Feb 19, 2015 13:00
article: stats, article: news, when did i order tickets to the cr show?, our team are history (breaking) geeks, what the others are saying, champions league
the4thjuliek wrote in hala_madrid Feb 18, 2015 19:32
interview: former player, player: raúl gonzález, champions league